Wills, Estates and Trusts

Dol & Co understands the importance of keeping your affairs in order. The skilled professionals of our Wills, Estates and Trusts Group have decades of experience in helping clients meet their estate management and wealth distribution objectives.
We work closely with our clients to ensure that their unique objectives are met, providing services such as:

  • Wills: Our skilled professionals are able to prepare simple wills, complex wills and multiple wills (for probate and non-probate assets). We also assist in amending and updating wills.
  • Powers of Attorney: We assist in preparing powers of attorney for property and personal care to ensure that someone is able to manage your affairs should you become unable to do so.
  • Estate Administration: Our experienced lawyers provide assistance to guide estate trustees through the estate administration process.
  • Trusts: We prepare documents to establish and implement trusts, whether as part of your will or as part of a wealth management plan during your lifetime.
  • Succession Planning: Together with our Business Law group, we provide advice regarding succession planning for owner-managed and closely held businesses, including estate freezes.
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